- European PhD magna cum laude (2014) in Literature (Lenguas y Literaturas) at Universitat de València
- (Thesis: “La Tradición Clásica y el melodrama metastasiano: el caso de Issipile“)
- Co-directed by Greek Literature Prof. Dr. Carmen Morenilla Talens (Valencia) and musicologist and opera seria expert Dr. Christine Fischer (Basel).
- MA (2010, cum laude) in Historical Singing at Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (CH)
- (Thesis on the long-forgotten opera Issipile, Vienna 1732, by F. B. Conti and P. Metastasio)
- BA (2008) in Historical Singing at Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (CH)
- MA (Licenciatura) in Translation Studies (2005) at Universitat Jaume I (Spain)
- Piano Diploma (2004, cum laude in Harmony/Counterpoint) at Consevatorio de Vila-real (Spain)
- Italian Teacher Diploma (EOI, 2003) in Castellón (Spain)
- Classical Abitur (2000) cum laude in Latin, Greek, History and Art History in Castellón (Spain)
- Special High School Award (Generalitat Valenciana, 2000)
Fields of interest include classical tradition, philology, Italian language and literature, musicology, dramaturgy, baroque and neo-classical aesthetics of the 18th century, translation, philological edition of long-lost musical works and translation of libretti.
Academic activities
- Research about Metastasio, Opera Seria and Baroque Opera
- Translation: specialized in musicology/poetry/literature (especially translating Italian libretti into English)
- Proofreading text and music
- Edition of musical scores for performance or publishing (specialized in Italian repertoire: cantata, opera seria…)
- Member of GRATUV Grup de Recerca i Acció Teatral de la Universitat de València since 2011
- Lecturer/Coach of Singing and Accompanist at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (Basel, CH) since 2019.
- Lecturer of Historical Singing at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (CH) from 2018 to 2024.
- Masterclass of Baroque Opera at Theater Akademie August Everding (Munich) 2019 and 2022.
- Masterclass of Baroque Singing at Lithuanian Academy of Music (Vilnius) (2024)
- Masterclass of Belcanto at Conservatorio Superior de Música de Valencia (2016)
- Masterclass of Baroque Singing at the Hochschule für Musik Freiburg (D) (2023)
- Masterclass for baroque gestures and recitativo secco at Musik-Hochschule Winterthur/Zürich [June 2011]
- Masterclasses at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (Basel) in Italian diction for singers (especially recitativo secco) [2012-2015…]
- Teaching Voice at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (Zurich University of the Arts) from March to May 2015 – in replacement of Prof. Akerlund.
- Teaching privately since 2008 in Basel (CH) and Spain. [Technique, repertoire coaching, Italian diction and prosody…]
-Ferri-Benedetti, F. El legado de la tradición clásica: el caso de la ópera barroca. Florentia Iliberritana (Estudios de la Antigüedad Clásica): XXIII (2012).
-Ferri-Benedetti, F. Hypsipyle from Lemnos to Vienna: an Approach to the Metastasian Heroine. Tycho: I (2013).
-Ferri-Benedetti, F. “La tua Grecia, la quale a me non è Dio” – Martello y Metastasio reinterpretando a Aristóteles. HVMANITAS: LXV (2013).
-Ferri-Benedetti, F. “Metastasio adaptado para el teatro español – El caso de la ISSIPILE”, en Maestre Maestre, J. M., Ramos Maldonado, S. I., Díaz Gito M. A., Pérez Custodio, M. V., Pozuelo Calero B., Serrano Cueto, A. (eds.) Humanismo y Pervivencia del Mundo Clásico V. Homenaje al profesor Juan Gil, Alcañiz: Instituto de Estudios Humanísticos (2015) | ISBN Vol. V: 978-84-00-10002-5
-Ferri-Benedetti, F. “Dell’opra eccitator primiero”: Metastasio, Farinelli e Ferdinando VI nelle dediche gemelle per la Nitteti del 1756. Margini XIV, 2020 ISSN 1662-5579
-Ferri-Benedetti, F. “Forum: Gibt es eine geschlechtsspezifische Musikalität?” In: Musik & Ästhetik 109 (Januar 2024), pp. 67-69
-Ferri-Benedetti, F. “Un’opera tutta delicata: Vokalästhetik im Demetrio von Caldara & Metastasio (Wien 1731)” In: Musik & Ästhetik 112 (Oktober 2024), pp. 18-35
Ferri-Benedetti, F. La Passione di Gesù Cristo (Partitura), KDP Amazon, 2023 — ISBN 978-3952585924
Ferri-Benedetti, F. Anthologia 1991-2023 (Poesie fino ai quarant’anni), KDP Amazon, 2023 — ISBN 978-3952585900
Ferri-Benedetti, F. El hilo de Hipsípila: Metastasio y la Tradición Clásica, Bari, Levante Editori, 2015 — ISBN 978-88-7949-654-4 — Out of print
Ferri-Benedetti, F. Florilegium: Antologia poetica 1999-2016, Bari, Levante Editori, 2017 — ISBN 978-88-7949-674-2 — Out of print
Selection of Editions and Translations
Francesco Bartolomeo Conti & Pietro Metastasio: Issipile (Vienna, 1732)
URTEXT edition, introduction and English transalation of the libretto
Published by GRAN TONANTE (Sweden) – 2011 ***
N. Porpora: Agrippina (Napoli,1708) – URTEXT Edition by Holger Schmitt-Hallenberg
Edition and proofreading of the Italian text by Flavio Ferri-Benedetti
Expected by GRAN TONANTE (Sweden) – 2012 ***
Rules for Measured Music, Counterpoint and Accompanying (Anonymous, MS E.25 Bologna), Translation by Flavio Ferri-Benedetti,, 2019, ISBN 978-3-033-07664-8

Proofreading and translation into English and Spanish of Italian libretti and cantatas for several artists (Iestyn Davies, Xavier Sabata, Valer Sabadus, Alicia Amo, Guillermo Turina / Eugenia Boix…) in CD booklets or concert programs.